Comprehensive Prevention Strategy
There are many meanings to the term comprehensive prevention. Often people use this term within the context of programming for all students. Or perhaps they mean that a multi-modal approach is employed. Others mean that the targets of the interventions vary from individual to the community levels. However, another approach is also possible to reach a comprehensive view of prevention: a functional approach. This approach cuts across all divisions of targets, and is independent of implementation modality. Instead, the focus of the categories is the change that is sought.
This model is based on the approach being implemented at San Diego State University. It was developed by Dr. James Lange, SDSU's Coordinator of AOD Initiatives. The Comprehensive Strategy has five interacting functional domains. There are three core domains: (1) Individual focus, (2) Behavioral alternatives, and (3) Enforcement and limiting access efforts. Each of these three core domains can benefit from, or are supported by, activities centered on community action. Further, all activities should exist within a framework of active research.

Individual Focus
Programs to change student attitudes, knowledge and ultimately motivation to use or abuse AODs. Examples include (a) education programming, (b) counter advertising and norms marketing, (c) counseling based interventions, (d) motivational enhancement interventions, and (e) skills based programs such as BASICS.
Behavioral Alternatives
Programs to increase student opportunities to act responsibly while fulfilling developmental, social and economic needs. Examples include (a) safe-ride programs, (b) substance free parties, (c) substance free housing, and (d) recreational facilities.
Enforcement & Access Control
Efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug access to limit excessive consumption and harmful behaviors. Examples include (a) campus policy restrictions and (b) coordinated enforcement activities.
Community Action
Community involvement may be necessary to support all types of core program objectives. Campus coalitions with the community may be especially useful for developing access control measures and alternative programming.
Research and Evaluation
Necessary to measure improvements in individual and public health outcomes, cost-efficiences, program sustainability and guide program refinement.