BBC/RSA Talk on YouTube Salvia Study

It was an honor to have been asked to present at the Royal Society of Arts in October for a joint program with BBC Radio 4. The talk was before a live audience, but the radio show did not air until this week. The topic was our use of YouTube videos for research on Salvia divinorum. A podcast version and an edited print versions are now available.

Nice Review of Salvia YouTube Article

I thought I’d share this nice review from Cornell of our article Salvia divinorum: Effects and use among YouTube users. What’s great is their focus on the potential of using sources like YouTube as a means to conduct social research. Here is the link.

Others are getting into the act now. See the Huffington Post for an example.

Salvia article is available online

Just got word that our study of salvia user videos on YouTube is online. Depending on your institution’s access rights, you may be able to see the whole article there. I think the abstract is open to all.

YouTube salvia observation study accepted

Happy to come back to blogging with some good news: Our paper describing the results of our observation study of YouTube salvia users has been accepted for publication by the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. This paper is a refinement of our initial report that was presented as a poster at the U.S. Department of Education National Meeting (see here). When it comes out in journal form, I’ll be sure to post the link.

Salvia study in the news

Salvia divinorum is in the news again, and our study is being used within the discussion. The story seems to have started with an AP piece in Florida. Its not surprising that there would be a link here because a while back, a Florida legislator's office had asked me for a copy of my Dept of Ed poster. Perhaps they got the journal article too. Regardless, it didn't take long for reporters to start calling. First the Union Tribune, then NBC San Diego. I'll post other links as they come live. KFMB just called for an interview too, so I'll update this post with that story after it runs.

Updated salvia link

The published version of the Salvia Divinorum paper is now online. The paper will be in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol 94, page 263-266. It can be downloaded in full if your institution has a subscription to that service.

Salvia Paper Publication Date

I'm told that our paper College student use of Salvia divinorum will be published online by the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence by about December 20th. Look for it then. The paper version will be out some months later.